Women's fight for equality

By kem217
  • The Women Fight for Equaity

    The Women Fight for Equaity
    1/3 of those women who took the place of men in their jobs worked for wages while the other 2/3 did not. Later, the number increased to about 40 percent. 1950s-1960s
  • The Women of the War

    The Women of the War
    They took the jobs of the men that were fighting in the war. Which will lead to later complications.
  • Pros and Cons of "The Movement"

    Pros and Cons of "The Movement"
    In 1966 EEOC failed and the National Organization for Women (NOW) was formed.
  • NOW grows drastically.

    NOW grows drastically.
    In the first three years of NOW, the number of members shot up to 175,000.
  • A political stand.

    A political stand.
    In 1971, Gloria Steinem helped found the National Women's Political Caucus (NWPC).
  • Amendments are passed.

    Amendments are passed.
    In 1972, success for the women's movement group was assured when the Equal Rights Amendment was passed.
  • Failure for rights.

    Failure for rights.
    By 1977 the New Right won approval for ratification. Later, in June of 1982, the ERA was ratified and defeated.
  • Political spots are opened for women.

    Political spots are opened for women.
    By 1983, women held about 13.5 % of elected state offices along with 24 seats in the U.S. Congress.