Last of Women's Right
New Jersey became the last state to revoke women's right. Up to this point, women lost all of their rights in any political matters. Men believe women are too emotional and irrational to hold such mighty power in the political world. -
First Wave of Feminism
The first ever wave of feminism was the fight for women's right to vote and the right to divorce. They believed that if they receive the right to vote then they would be treated equally since they themselves will have power of their own. -
First Women's Right Convention
First women's convention held at Seneca Fall. After 2 days of discussing, 68 women 32 men signed the Declaration of sentiment, setting the goal to have equal treatment of men and women with the right to vote. -
Sojourner Truth Speech
A former slave, Sojourner Truth, who later became a women's right activist delivered the speech "Ain't I a Women" at Akron, Ohio. Influenced many women to take pride in them self and to not be ruled over by men. -
Lucy Stone keeping last name
Lucy Stone and Henry Blackwell married under the ceremony that gives the husband the legal authority over his wife, however Lucy Stone kept her last name. -
American Equal Rights Association
This is one of the time when women's and African American worked together where rights was fought for both the women and the African Americans. -
Susan B Antony joined NWSA
After the American Equal Rights Association was wrecked by the disagreement over the 14th amendment and the proposed 15th amendment, it became clear that equal women's right would be hard to achieve. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony later jointed the Women Suffrage Association (NWSA), which was a more radical group that fights for women's right. -
First State Allowing Women to Vote
Wyoming being the 44th state to be admitted into the United States, is also the first state that grants women the right to vote. -
15th Admendment
The 15th amendment is adopted where neither the United States nor any State can deny the right to vote on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. However, this amendment leave the rights for the states to deny the right for vote on the account of sex. -
Susan B Antony arrested for casting her vote.
Susan B Antony casted her vote in Rochester, NY, along with 15 other women. They were later arrested for "illegal voting". Feminist became furious as this became their concrete evidence that women are being discriminated against. -
The Women's Christian Temperance Union(WCTU)
One of women's right biggest opponent because was the liquor lobby. People are scared that once women get the right's to vote, they will vote to prohibit the sale of liquor. -
Colorodo giving women right to vote
The first state to give women the legal right to vote. This was a historical moment because the men voted for the women in order for them to have their voting rights. -
19th Amendment
Ratification of the 19th amendment that citizens of United States cannot be denied their voting right on account of sex in any part of United States. -
Second Wave of Feminism
The start of the second wave of feminism, this time women wanted to fight for body positivity which is to look at women differently without the judging of a women's physical body. Then the right to vote didn't actually put into affect, as a result women wanted to continue to fight for their right to vote for their own freedom. Which then later leads them to the development of their need for abortion rights and sexual freedom. -
The Daughters of Bilitis (DOB)
The first organization for the lesbians, it started off as social group, which later turned into a political organization to win the basic acceptance for lesbians in United States. -
Improvements for the Women
As president John Kennedy came into office, he had specific recommendations for improvements, he approved paid maternity leave and more affordable child care. -
The Feminim Mystique
Betty Friedan publishes her book that pointed out all of women's "no named problems". She described all of the dissatisfaction of the middle class women. Although she received a lot of critiques that she left out a lot of women in the poor, but it still strikes a huge movement in the country as a lot of women understood that they weren't the only one that felt the same way. -
Abortion Rights
From the court case U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court gave women the right to choose abortion. Afterwards president Ronald Reagan, against abortion, believed that abortion is the 'silent holocaust" where the right's of the baby were not considered. Some of the pro-life organization put in the effort to try and persuade those to not get abortion. Where as some went as far as attempting to bomb the clinic, injuring many of the staffs and killing the patients. -
Start of the Third Wave of Feminism
They fight for their own physical appeal and concludes that it's not just about the physical that makes a women beautiful, it's also about their inner beauty with the intelligence and their inner appeal. One of the biggest approach was their fight for their LGBTQ as it was the beginning for the society to slowly accept their different sexuality. -
Bill Clinton
Before Bill Clinton came into office, there were many limits on abortion where most clinic needs to shut down or face threats. As a result, in some region abortion is a hard thing to come by. There were other attempts like limiting the funding going into the clinic, and some doctors were told to not inform the patient about abortion. This was all lifted after Bill Clinton came into office, allowing the clinics function normally again. -
Women unbanned from joining combat military.
As of 2013, this ban has been lifted and women are now allowed to join the combat military force. This overturn a 1994 Pentagon decision restricting women from the combat force. -
Gay Right's Legalized
Gay Rights has been approved at this point, and it became legal for gay couples to marry. -
Fourth Wave of Feminism
This age of feminism is still continuing the journey to abolish judgement on a female's body. Now they are also adding on the fact that LGBTQ should deserve their own right's as well. They follow the fact that love is love no matter the sex that one may be attracted to. -
School Investigation of Present Year #1
The comparison I did was the schools in New York, and see if they are ranked from the worst to the best schools. Starting from the worst school, as Flushing Highschool. It have a boy to ratio of 57:43. next is Cardozo with boys to girls ratio as 48:52. Next up is our school, John Bowne with a boy to girl ratio as 50:50. Following that would be Stuyvesant with boys to girls ratio as 59:41. Finally we conclude with Townsend Harris as being the top school, with a boy to girl ratio as 31:69. -
School Investigation of Present year #2
To conclude from the first part, it's hard to set down 1 conclusion that can fully tell whether there is a relationship between good schools and a student's sex. From my research, I found out that the worst school, Flushing High, have a lower ratio of girls that there are boys. Where as in Townsend Harris, there is a significant difference between the amount of boys and the amount of girls. If anything, I would say that it have to do with how the child is raised rather than the sex of a student. -
Interview From a Peer
From the interview I've done to my classmate, it's seems that sexism in the workforce is the most severe, where women don't seem to be paid as much as the men. However, other than that, sexism have decreased significantly in our society as women are respected for many of their achievements. Women have proven themselves that they can be just as successful as men, if not more successful. -
To Conclude Everything...
Women has come a long way from having no rights to now having equal standings as men. Women has taken each and every step up the society with determination and leave traces of their battle through history. That includes their battle for their voting rights to their campaign for raising awareness to not judge a women for their body. As our society progresses today, women gain more rights and benefits on a more micro-level, although small, yet also crucial.