Seneca Falls
First womens rights convention -
Period: to
Womens rights
States grant voting
States start to grant women the right to vote -
First Birth-Control Clinic
Margaret Sanger opens firts birth control clinic only for it to be shut down 10 days later -
19th Amendment
The 19th amendment was passed granting women the right to vote -
American Birth Control League
Margaret Sanger founds the ABCL which later turns into the Planned Parenthood Federation in 1942 -
Birth-Control Clinic reopened
Birth Control clinic reopened by Margaret Sanger -
Daughters of Bilitis founded
The Daughters of Bilitis was the firts lesbian organization in the U.S -
Food and Drug Administration approves birth control pills
Presidents Commision on the Status of Woman
JFK makes the PCSW and makes Eleanor Roosevelt Chairwoman -
Equal Pay Act
The equal pay act made it illegal to pay a women less than what you would pay a man for the same job -
Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act
Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act bars any discrimination in employment -
Naional Organization for Women
NOW was founded by a group of feminists including Betty Friedan -
Wyoming passes first women's suffrage law