1960 women had to get permission from their husbands to get their tubes tied so they couldnt have babies -
What the women wanted
-better child care
-maternity benefits
-equal job training
-abortion right
-equal rights amendent to the constitution -
how women were treated in the 1960's
they were mainly used as sex objects
cleaned the house
did all the cooking
watched the kids
didnt have a REAL job -
The purpose of NOW
was to take action to bringing women into full particpation in the mainstream of American society -
founder of NOW
Betty Friedan
Born: February 4, 1921, Peoria
Died: February 4, 2006, Washington, D.C.
"A girl should not expect special privileges because of her sex but neither should she adjust to prejudice and discrimination." -
National Organization for Women
-NOW started its organization for women to get their freedom
-women had the ability to act and speak like men
- women protested for their rights -
Men v.s Women
in 1970 women still earned approx 59% of what men earned