Uncle Tom's Cabin Serialized
Uncle Tom's Cabin was serialized from June 5, 1851 to April 1, 1852 in the newspaper "National Era." -
Uncle Tom's Cabin was published as a novel in this month
Three hundred thousand copies were sold in one year, while ten thousand were sold in the first week. This book spread worldwide, especially in England. -
Augusta Jane Evans' Speeches
Evans gave speeches to raise morale in Mongonery after Alabama's succession. -
The United States Sanitary Commission was established
Although the leader was male, the majority of the work done to help the troops were done by women. .This included packaging supplies and making bandages. -
Period: to
Francie Elias Spinner hires women in the Union to be clerks
Spinner, the U.S. Treasurer, appointed jobs for Union women because of the cheaper salaries and because of their numerous numbers. -
The USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia clash.
This incident introduced the use of iron warships, which later sparked the creation of the Ladies Gunboat Association. -
Ladies Gunboat Association was established
The Ladies Gunboat Association in the South was formed to fundraise for supplies to build warships. -
Captain David G. Farragut seized New Orleans
The entrance of Union soldiers into the city resulted in women "attacking" them verbally and emotionally. -
The General Order Number 28 was put to action
Butler declared that any woman insulting Union soldiers would be named a prostitute, which enraged the already-discontent women in New Orleans. -
Battle of Hankerchiefs
Many Confederate women protested against the General Number 28. -
Bread Rebellions in Richmond, VA
Confederate women, desperate for food and unable to pay the high prices caused by war, protetested and robbed stores. This led to more petitions for relief in the South. -
Start of Vicksburg Siege
Between May 22 and July 4, 1863, many Confederat women were forced to flee and seek refuge in caves. -
Start of Draft Riots in NYC
Women, continuing to venture into the public realm, protested along with others as a reaction to the Conscription Act of 1863. -
NorthWestern Soldiers' Fair in Chicago
Fundraising was common in both the North and the South. Union women would often hold auctions and other public events, such as the selling of the first draft of the Emancipation Proclamation, written by Lincoln. This fair lasted until November 7th. -
Period: to
Macaria was published this year
Augusta Jane Evans sold 20, 000 copies of her novel, Macaria during this year.