Madge Syers
The 1924 Olympics was the first to have a figure skating organization for women to participate in . Madge Syers is famous for being the first woman to win an olympic gold medal. She competed int he mens competition and proceeded to beat all males and take the gold medal. -
The first Women to swim across the English Channel
American Gertrude Ederle was the first woman to swim across the English Channel, on 6 August 1926. Five men had performed the feat previously, but Ederle's time of 14 hours and 31 minutes broke the record by nearly two hours. The feat earned her lasting fame and a ticker-tape parade when she returned to New York City. Ederle also won a gold and two bronze medals in swimming at the 1924 Olympics. -
1931 Verne MItchell- First womens baseball player
First woman in professional baseball. She is known for striking out Babe Ruth. -
During the 1800s it was a common idea that each human being had a certain amount of energy to expend. It was said that using physical and intellectual activities at the same time could be hazardous to the body. It was also said to be that if women were menstrating they were not supposed to be a part of any physical activity because their body would not be able to handle both tasks. -
1943- All American Girls Baseball League
This league was created during the world wars to fill the emptied stadiums which previously were used by men. But since the world wars required many men to participate women had the ability to start their own league. -
Title IX 1972
Womens sport kept advancing at a steady rate until the legislation decision of Title IX in 1972. This law was made for the equality of male and females . -
1811 First Womens Golf Tournament in Scotland
History of womens golf In 1811 in Scotland the first womens golf tournament was created. Golf was seen as an easy sport for women to adapt to since there was no running or physical human contact. It was considered a safe sport for women to play. This first womens golf tournament led to the creation of a womens golf club. -
Wellesley College opens with required physical education program for both male and females. Annie Oakly is known for being a women to first compete competitvely against a male in a shooting competition. She also beat him in the competition. -
800 B.C. Homer and the story of Princess Nausicaa
In one of Homers writings he mentions Princess Nausicaa playing handball with her maidens next to a river bank of the island of Scheria. Odysseus was awakened by the shouting of the girls why engaged in their handball game. This is one of the first documentations of women playing sport. Of course up until 1870 women played sports only in a recreationial manner. -
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women in sport
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Women in Sport