The Right to Vote For Women

  • A Demand to Vote

    Cause: Men and Women come together to discuss women's rights. They create the Declaration of Sentiments, which demands the right for women to vote. Effect: Women are later granted the right to vote in 1920.
  • School Board Votes in Kansas

    Cause: Kansas allows women to vote in school board elections. Effect: Women are now getting the chance to have a say in elections, just as men are (even if it is just school board elections).
  • Women Cast Votes in Presidential Election

    Cause: Women in New Jersey cast their votes in a separate (unofficial) box during the presidential election. Effect: This demonstration is the first of several in the following elections. Even though this is not official, it is a powerful demonstration put on by women during this time.
  • Wyoming Territory Voting

    Cause: The Wyoming territory gives women the right to vote. Effect: This is the first time we see women being granted the right to vote.
  • Susan B. Anthony Arrested

    Cause: Susan B. Anthony and 15 other women are arrested for casting a ballot in an election. Effect: Susan B. Anthony is charged with "voting illegally" and fined $100. She refused to pay this.
  • Women's Suffrage Vote

    Cause: The first vote on Women's suffrage is taken to the Senate, and is defeated. Effect: Women everywhere start campaigning for women's rights.
  • First Woman Elected

    Cause: Jeannette Rankin becomes the first woman elected to Congress. Effect: She paves the way for many women after to be elected to Congress, and Senate.
  • 19th Amendment Passed

    Cause: Women are given the right to vote in the 19th Amendment. Effect: Since then, women have been granted the right to have a say in important political elections.