Elizabeth Blackwell
Elizabeth was the first black women to achieve a degree in the U.S. with a medical degree from Geneva College in New York. -
Dr. Clark
Dr.Clark becomes the rst woman physician to apply for membership in the Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS). The Society’s Bylaws are silent on the issue of gender. -
Rebecca Lee Crumpler
First black women to get a medical degree -
Mary Walker
Mary earned the Congressional Medal of Honor for her service during the Civil War. -
Ann Preston
Ann was the first female appointed the dean of the Women’s Medical College of Pennsylvania -
Dr. Susan Dimock
She has the right to accept or graduate of the New deny admission to women England Female physicians. The vote to accept Medical College women for admission is (now Boston University defeated by a small majority. School of Medicine) and
the University of Zurich Medical School, applies for
admission to the MMS. The Society appoints a
committee of ve members to report back at their
meeting in February 1873. -
Eliza Ann Geir
Eliza was the first African American women licensed to practice medicine in Georgia, she was an emancipated slave. -
Virginia Apgar
She was the first female to become a full-time professor at Columbia University. She also developed the Apgar score, a standardized test used to evaluate newborns. -
Nancy Dickey
Nancy Dickey is an American physician. She was the first female president of the American Medical Association, serving in 1997–98. Previously she had served as chair of the Board of Trustees of the AMA and chaired its Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs. -
Ardis Dee Hoven
Ardis Dee Hoven, MD, an internal medicine and infectious disease specialist in Lexington, Ky., became the 168th president of the American Medical Association in June 2013.