Women in Art Timeline

  • Period: 500 to 1400

    Week 1- Middle Ages

  • 1170

    Wheel of Fortune- by Herrad of Landsberg

    Wheel of Fortune- by Herrad of Landsberg
    Herrad of Landsberg was an Alsatian nun in the Vosges mountains in France.The artist’s use of keeping the background light and otherwise untextured ensures that the people depicted have the lightest highlights possible, making the shadows stand out even more. Doing this creates depth in the character’s clothing and allows it to feel less stationary, that the clothing can move about. I selected this artwork beacuse I like that it shows the power cycle that was happening during that time.
  • 1400

    Women Using Reel

    Women Using Reel
    The artist of this peice is unkown. The painting shows 5 women using a reel, which was a tool using for sewing. The artist used a cross hatching method to create the darkness in the background, separating the lines more and more as the area got lighter. I chose this peice becasue I like that it depicted a group of women doing an activity together and/or that they were teaching each other how to use the reel.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Week 2- The Renaissance

  • 1575

    Christ and the Women Taken in Adultery- Diana Scultori

    Christ and the Women Taken in Adultery- Diana Scultori
    Diana Scultori was born in 1547, the daughter of Giovanni Battista Scultori. She was one of the first women to make engraving, a skill learned from her father and brother. The artwork shown is not a painting, but was made by printmaking, making its detail that much more impressive. Most prints are black and white, which adds to the dramatics of the scene and really helps the viewer see all the details put into this print.
  • Period: to

    Week 3- 17th Century

  • The Proposition- Judith Jans Leyster

    The Proposition- Judith Jans Leyster
    Judith Jans Leyster was born around 1609 in the Dutch Republic. She was the 8th child of a local cloth maker. It is speculated she learned the skill of painting to assist in her family’s income, as they were very poor. The use of the candle is very interesting, while the man is giving the women money (which can be interpreted in many ways), he doesn’t appear to be threatening in any way.
  • Artemisia Gentileschi Self Portrait

    Artemisia Gentileschi Self Portrait
    Artemisia Gentileschi was born in Rome, Italy in 1593 daughter of painter Orazio Gentileschi. I believe that the perspective symbolizes how she had many people watching over her and making decisions for her, like her father.
  • Giovanna- Fruit Basket

    Giovanna- Fruit Basket
    Giovanna Garzoni was born in 1600 in Italy. She was best known for her still life painting, mostly of fruit baskets and such. The colors chosen to create visual contrasts between the bowl and the fruits, the fruits being a orange-red and the bowl being blue. While not total opposites on the color wheel, it still makes the bowl stand out and makes the piece feel very dimensional.
  • Period: to

    Week 4- The 18th Century