
women equality 1960s-2019. Mickey.K and Tucker.B

By mickeyk
  • President John Kennedy establishes the President's Commission on the Status of Women and appoints Eleanor Roosevelt as chairwoman.

    President John Kennedy establishes the President's Commission on the Status of Women and appoints Eleanor Roosevelt as chairwoman.
  • The National Organization for Women (NOW) is founded by a group of feminists including Betty Friedan. The largest women's rights group in the U.S.

    The National Organization for Women (NOW) is founded by a group of feminists including Betty Friedan. The largest women's rights group in the U.S.
  • Executive Order 11375 expands President Lyndon Johnson's affirmative action policy of 1965 to cover discrimination based on gender.

    Executive Order 11375 expands President Lyndon Johnson's affirmative action policy of 1965 to cover discrimination based on gender.
  • The EEOC rules that sex-segregated help wanted ads in newspapers are illegal.

  • California becomes the first state to adopt a "no fault" divorce law, which allows couples to divorce by mutual consent.

  • U.S. Court of Appeals rules that jobs held by men and women need to be "substantially equal" but not "identical" to fall under the protection of the Equal Pay Act.

  • The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is passed by Congress and sent to the states for ratification.

  • As a result of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court establishes a woman's right to safe and legal abortion, overriding the anti-abortion laws of many states.

  • The Equal Credit Opportunity Act prohibits discrimination in consumer credit practices on the basis of sex, race, marital status, religion, national origin, age, or receipt of public assistance.

  • The first marital rape law is enacted in Nebraska, making it illegal for a husband to rape his wife.

  • The Pregnancy Discrimination Act bans employment discrimination against pregnant women.

  • Paula Hawkins of Florida, a Republican, becomes the first woman to be elected to the U.S. Senate without following her husband or father in the job.

  • Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first woman to serve on the Supreme Court.

  • Dr. Sally K. Ride becomes the first American woman to be sent into space.

  • Geraldine Ferraro becomes the first woman to be nominated to be vice president on a major party ticket.