Women and children first store front

Women & Children First

By meganrr
  • Grand Opening of Women & Children First

    Grand Opening of Women & Children First
    Women & Children First opens in its first location on Armitage Avenue in the DePaul Neighborhood of Chicago.
  • Women & Children First Moves

    Women & Children First Moves
    W&CF moves to a new, larger location at 1967 N. Halstead Sreet. The photo shows Bubon, Christophersen, and staff in the store at that location.
  • Store Opens in Current Location

    Store Opens in Current Location
    Women & Children First moves to the Andersonville neighborhood after being recruited by the Edgewater Community Development Organization.
  • Women's Voices Fund Created

    Women's Voices Fund Created
    Women & Children First created a fund to support their events when they could not longer be sustained by the operating budget of the store. The fund supports "events featuring women writers, fostering discussion of feminist issues and culture, and nurturing children’s delight in books" (Women & Children First).
  • Sappho's Salon Founded

    Sappho's Salon Founded
    Kathie Bergquist founded Sappho's Salon as a forum for discussing issues relevant to the lesbian community. The performance salons now occur once a month and feature "expressions of queerness, gender and feminism" (Women & Children First).
  • Change in Ownership

    Change in Ownership
    Linda Bubon and Ann Christophersen officially signed over ownership of Women & Children First to Sarah Hollenbeck and Lynn Mooney.
  • Post-Renovation Open House

    Post-Renovation Open House
    Women & Children First reopens after renovations.