equal pay act 1963
Women where a big part of this because they wanted equal pay. JFK signed the project. This what put in place so women could get equal pay for women. It happened all over america. Women were not getting paid as much as men so they went to try to get equal pay. -
Formation and goals of N.O.W
N.O.W National Organization for Women. This organization is to protect equal rights of women. It was brought up to help women become equal in the working place. N.O.W was founded by a group of women. They wanted to have equal rights in the working place. -
phyllis schlafly and defeat of era
phyllis schlafly started to campian to get rid of the era. She wanted equal rights. Phyllis Schlafly was a lawyer. So she took this stuff to court and would fight for equal rights for women. -
goals of equal rights amendment
Jfk was involved and so were American women. The goals were that women were going to be treated equally. They wanted to have equal pay and equal opportunity. Women wanted to be treated like men.