Seneca falls convention
firts convention women slip over the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments. -
fisrt -part strategy for suffrage
firts they tried to convice state legislature to grant women the right to vote they achived a victory in the territory of wyoming in 1869 and by by the 1890s Utah, Colorado, and Idaho had also granted voting rights to women. After 1896,efforts in other states failed. -
second part strategy for suffrage
In 1871 and 1872, Susan B. Anthony and other women tested that question by attempting to vote at least 150 times in ten states andthe District of Columbia. -
third -part strategy for suffrage
The Supreme Court ruled in 1875. that women were indeed citizens—but then denied that citizenship, automatically conferred the right to vote.Third, women pushed for a national constitutionalamendment to grant women the vote. Stanton succeeded inhaving the amendment introduced in California, but it waskilled later. -
the National American Woman Suffrage Association
leaders included Lucy Stone and Julia Ward Howe, the author of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.”leaders included Lucy Stone and Julia Ward Howe, the author of “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.”Woman suffrage faced constant opposition. The liquorindustry feared that women would vote in support of prohibition, while the textile industry worried that women would vote for restrictions on child labo -
women leader
Dangerous conditions, low wages, and long hours led many female industrial workers to push for reforms. Their ranks grew after 146 workers, mostly young women, died in a 1911 fire in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City. Middle- and upper-class women also entered the public sphere. By 1910, women’s clubs, at which these women discussed art or literature, were nearly half a million strong. -
in 1915. When Catt returned to NAWSA after organizing New York’s Women Suffrage Party, she concentrated on five tactics: (1) painstaking organization;(2) close ties between local, state, and national workers;(3) establishing a wide base of support; (4) cautious lobbying; Although suffragists saw victories, the greater numberof failures led some suffragists to try more radical tactics.
and (5) gracious, ladylike behavior -
national woman's party
They pressured the federal government to pass a suffrage amendment, and by 1917 Paul had organized her followers to mount a round-theclock picket line around the White House. Some of the picketers were arrested, jailed, and even force-fed when they attempted a hunger strike.attempted a hunger strike. -
nineteenth amendment
In 1919, Congress passed the NineteenthAmendment, granting women the right to vote. Theamendment won final ratification in August 1920—72 years after women had firstconvened and demanded the vote at the Seneca Falls convention -
Susan B. Anthony’s successor as president of NAWSA was CarrieChapman Catt, who served from 1900 to 1904 and resumedthe presidency .