Law passed
The original 13 states all passed the law which was woman couldnt vote. The secound president John Adams said the woman "will not hold ourselves bound by any laws which we have no voice." the woman were not happy about this! -
Medical degree
Elizabeth Blackwell is the first woman in the United States to get her medical degree. She was a great role model to a ton a woman during that time. She was one of the woman people would look up to and it would give them hope that they could do anything they wanted! -
A group of ladies got together and made a group called The National Women's Trade Union League. It was a big group of woman who were really fed up with the way they were being treated and felt like they needed better resect. And the main reason they got together was they felt as if they needed to have the same right to have jobs like the men and wanted to get paid they didnt like how they couldnt get eaither of those -
againts woman rights
People thought woman had a big impact on the mens vote cause they are very perswaysive. Another reason they didnt want woman to vote was cause men take care of the woman they dont need to be able to vote. They woman were to percious and delicate to get involeved with all the political stuff. It was a big reputation thing too. Alot of woman totally agreed with this and didnt even want to power to be able to vote. And most of the men didnt want them to have the right either! -
With woman rights
And then there were the people with it! They really wanted the woman to be able to have rights such as to work and also make as much as the men were doing the woman were getting freaking jipped. And one of the really big ones was the right to vote. Some of the men thought the woman had just as much of the right as the men did. And of course a ton of the woman reallly wanted all those things. -
millions working
By this time millions of woman were working. They were all activly working in the USA. Like brick stackers and working as like crossing people. They didnt have good jobs like a ton of men. But it was still somthing and they were still greatful for what they could get. -
effects on history
This had a big affect on history cause now woman have such big roles in society and are such big role models. Woman have done such amazing things and has really proven those people that were against woman having rights that they were wrong. It also showed how woman can do just as much as men and maybe some things even better. -
First vice president
Geraldine Ferraro was elected the first female Vice President. It was a very big mild stone in history cause girls werent aloud to vote. So the fact that she was elected such a high role was a very awesome. That point changed history