first female regesterd doctor constance stone
Period: to
womans rights
fedaration starts
the leadup to fedaration
The Lead Up to Federation
The Early Years of Federation1901–1914
Australia’s six colonies came together as the Commonwealth of Australia,a federated self-governing member of the British Empire.
Period: to
Immigration to Australia During the 20th Century –Historical Impacts on Immigration Intake, Population Size and Population Composition
women now can vote
firt female parlement candidate
residents natruliser
All residents who had previously been ‘Naturalised’
The Federal Government took control of all immigration
Australia grew rapidly until the onset of World War One
maternity allowance act
women in world war 1
World War One1914–1918
first female police officers
minimum wage for women
Between World War One andThe Great Depression1919–1929
first woman to be elected to parlement edith cowan
founding the cwa
The Great Depression1929–1937
World War Two1939–1945
widows pentions were introdused
First women elected to fedral parlement
Arthur Calwell, the first Minister for Immigration, established the Federal Department of Immigration.
Post War Resettlement1945–1965
Immigration Restriction Act 1901
Work began on the Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme
Net Overseas Migration reached a record high of 153,685
New assisted passage schemes were agreed with the Netherlands and Italy.
The Government allowed Japanese wives of Australian servicemen to be admitted
The Government allowed Japanese wives of Australian servicemen to be admitted
General Assisted Passage Schemes were introduced for people fromthe USA, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.
General Assisted Passage Schemes were introduced for people fromthe USA, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.
Australia’s millionth post-war immigrant arrived
To encourage more British migration, the ‘Bring out a Briton’ campaign was launched
Australian citizens could now sponsor non-European spouses and unmarried minor children for migration
all aberiginal women can vote
Conditions of entry for people of mixed descent were further relaxed
New migration agreements with West Germany and the Netherlands were signed and anew ICEM agreement was negotiated with Malta
an Australian author wrote the female eunech
first woman to head the govorment
first aboriginal woman to win a gold medal
eqal opportunity for women in the workplace
first deputy woman prime minester
first female govornor general