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WNMU Projected Technology Purchases Timeline

  • Period: to

    Computer Classroom Refresh

    Cost: $195,000 Western currently has roughly 75 computer lab computers and 145 computer classroom computers. The cost listed above is for a replacement of 50 computers (computer lab) and 145 computer classroom machines, each a PC roughly costing $1000.
  • Period: to

    Backup Power Generator

    Cost: $200, 000 to implement, $20,000 recurring This will implement the necessary backup generator to supply the needs for WNMU's data center, PBX room and campus police offices.
  • Period: to

    Layer 2 Edge Switch Refresh

    Cost: $168,000 The replacement cycle for edge switching is 6 years, and our inventory software shows 84 switches on WNMU’s LAN that will be 7+ years on July 1/ 2017. At $2000 per switch, it is a $168,000 equipment refresh.
  • Period: to

    Video Conferencing Refresh

    Cost: $42,000 This would replace six codec units at 7k each, which would deal with the antiquated units at the branch campuses (Deming, Gallup) and a few of the ones on main campus.
  • Period: to

    Uninterruptible Power Supply Batteries Refresh

    Cost: $57,500 Battery replacement for the UPS 1500s we have in the closets come to $250 per, with thirty batteries required…a total cost of $57,500. These are the battery backups that keep phone services operational in the event of a power failure, for about 30 minutes.
  • Period: to

    Virtual Server Architecture Refresh

    Cost: $38,000 While the Cisco UCE (which handles the processing and memory portions) Western has in place is already going on four years, it has some time left on its expected lifespan. WNMU’s storage for the servers, however, is largely running on a cobbled together storage array, and has no warranty or service contract. A replacement SAN—such as a Nimble array—will address this.
  • Period: to

    Document Imaging Equipment Refresh

    Cost: $50,000 This will be the refresh for the document imaging application, which is mandated by state code that we refresh every five years. This will include servers, storage and USB backup capacity, as per the mandate.
  • Period: to

    Backup Server Refresh

    Cost: $30,000 This would replace the EMC Data Domain Server which handles the backups for virtual servers, production database and file server.
  • Period: to

    Firewall Replacement

    Cost: $30,000 Replacement for Palo Alto Firewalls, who are already in their third year of deployment. This could be used to seek out an alternative for deep packet inspection, or combined with funds for a more inclusive appliance—such as a Tipping Point—and give some cost savings further down the road.
  • Period: to

    Cisco UCS Replacement

    Cost: $50,000 Replacement for the processing and memory resources for our Virtual Server Library.
  • Period: to

    MediaSite Replacement

    Cost: $300,00 Replacement/upgrade for the video bridges, centralized management for our MediaSite, MyMediaSite Video and Desktop Conferencing system. Purchased three years ago, pushing for a lifespan for seven years may be pushing the envelope, but with so many costs coming in 2020, this may very well be a necessity.
  • Period: to

    Wireless Access Point Refresh

    Cost: $200,000 Full refresh of wireless plant, complete with replacing the centralized controller. These Wireless Access Points were purchased three years ago, and have an expected lifespan of six years. Given the vast number of items WNMU needs to address, we will make them work for eight before their refreshment.
  • Period: to

    Voice Over IP Replacement

    Cost: $300,000 This will be the replacement of our VoIP system after a 10 year shelf life. The expectation is that we would go with NEC again, and keep our costs relatively low. Switching to a different vendor will be possible, but will incur additional costs for migration and consultation.