With France funding the American Revolution, France became poor which resulted in France raising it's taxes to highest point ever, and making the poor not be able to afford the food and also they did some things that the government deserves.
By Soldier76.
French in the Beginning
The French were very wealth, but their society was very upheld and that were very organized. The society was corrupt. They had a lot of people that didn't have money. They should have had overthrown the government because then everyone would have fair amount of money because they had enough money for the rest of the people. -
The National Assembly
The nobles and the clery were put in a group for France. So, the rest of the people met up at indoor tennis court and formed the group/rebellion called the National Assembly. They should have had a social contract with the government because then they could overthrow it for not letting the rest of the people be a part of France. -
The Bastille got Attacked
On July 14, rioters stormed the Bastille fortress to gain access to gunpowder and also weapons.If they had their three property, then there wouldn't be any of this non-sense violence. -
Thomas Hobbs
He invented the social contract and that would have helped the people and made the government fix all the rules and laws. -
John Locke
People would their rights and they would be beating the government with the rights if they invaded it. -
He would be good because he would separate the religion from government. -
He would also work because he would make the contract of separation of powers and help the people. -
Louis XVI Dies
Louis XVi and his wife get killed for treason and they were murdered by a guillotine.Then the of the Terror started. Jacobins and Girondins were ones that supported the end of monarchy. they had the right to overthrow, the King didn't help the other people at all. -
Works Cited Part 1
https://www.google.com/search?q=national+assembly+french+revolution&safe=strict&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiV7aWB7vjaAhVCs1kKHWZRC1AQ_AUICSgA&biw=1366&bih=662&dpr=1 -
Works Cited Part 2
History.com Staff. “French Revolution.” History.com, A&E Television Networks, 2009, www.history.com/topics/french-revolution.