Meeting 1
On August 10, 2013 the Deer and Elk Study Committee of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress met to discuss their upcoming job duties and goals.
Multiple Wisconsin DNR employees present on topics concerning the committee. Some of the issues include the 2013 deer season, the ongoing deer research project, an update on the elk population, and new warden hiring. -
Meeting 2
The totals for the 2013 deer hunting season are in. Over 342,000 deer were harvested, which will leave enough resources for the remaining deer to face a life-threatening winter in 2014.
The deer research project is well underway left and is looking to conduct a state-wide study of deer killed by motor vehicles.
The Wisconsin DNR is also assisting the growth of the elk population. They are creating new areas for them and adding to previously made areas as well. -
Meeting 3
The committee discussed many concerns regarding their plans for the deer and elk populations of Wisconsin.
Some members of the committee are worried that the new elk population has potential threats from predators, but the committee describes the actual impact on elk populations and there isn’t a need to increase predator hunting permits. -
Meeting 4
The meeting on December 8, 2014 expressed multiple concerns with deer tags. For 2015 tags will be public and land specific for each county. Youth tags were placed on the agenda for the spring meeting. -
Meeting 5
There were multiple committee matters discussed at the last Deer and Elk Committee meeting. 2014 deer numbers were in, youth permits were arranged, elk progress was followed, and the DNR deer research project was updated.
For more Deer and Elk Committee meeting time information visit http://dnr.wi.gov/about/wcc/meetings.html.