
Wisconsin Conservation Congress Deer & Elk Advisory Committee Progress Over the Past 3 Years ** For Educational Purposes Only

  • Meeting 8/8/15

    This meeting was held at the Marathon County Public Library in Wausau, WI at 9:30 a.m. Concerns on the spread of CWD led to a discussion of finding a more effective approach to limiting the spread of CWD into neighboring counties. They also argued that the idea of reestablishing the “bonus buck” program for hunters is ineffective and should be rejected.
  • Meeting 3/9/16

    This meeting was held at the Mead Wildlife Area Visitor Center at 9:00 a.m. They discussed the overall data collected on the 2015 Deer Season. 612,137 gun licenses were sold and 41,000 of them were first time hunters. There were only 8 safety related incidents as well producing an accident rate of 1.31 per 100,000 hunters.
  • Meeting 8/13/16

    This meeting was held at Grand Lodge Waterpark Resort, 805 Creske Av. Rothschild, Wis at 9:30 a.m. A presenter informed the committee that 39 elk were released in Jackson County this year and so far none have died. There were also 11 new born calves released as well after being born in a pen.
    The Wisconsin Law enforcement is also looking to hire 12 new Wardens this year. Should you be interested contact the Wisconsin DNR.
  • Meeting 11/10/16

    This meeting was held over a conference call at 7:00 p.m. One of the main things discussed was the proposal of considering a 16 day season to eliminate multiple seasons and complications. The season would start the saturday before Thanksgiving and end the Sunday after. Meaning that the no rifle season could occur prior to the regular rifle season and eliminate the four day hunt in mid December.
  • Meeting 3/18/17

    This meeting was held at the Portage County Public Library in Stevens Point, WI at 9:30 a.m. Another group of elk was released in Jackson County increasing the overall population to 155-175. However a much bigger issue was the change to paper tags. Without having to hunt with back tags, hunting without a license saw a major increase. For those that hunt on state land North of Hwy 64, a new law has been passed allowing you to leave your stands up overnight.