On Aug. 8, 2015 24 delegates and two DNR liaisons met at the Marathon County Public Library, Wausau, WI to discuss new actions on hunting boundaries and seasons, monitoring deer populations and hunting license regulations.
Kevin Wallenfang, DNR, presented the board with a preview of the 2015 deer season and results from the 2014 season. Also, Wallenfang covered the struggling Clam Lake herd of Elk. Delegate Claude Bovi expressed his concerns about the effect that CWD will have on deer and deer hunting and proposed a resolution to the DNR to limit the spread of CWD. Multiple delegates aided Bovi but met strong opposition. After much debate, a motion by Delegate Brown was unmet and a motion to reject was seconded. -
On Mar. 29, 2016 a table of 24 delegates and five WDNR liaisons met at the Mead Wildlife Area Visitor Center to discuss deer populations reports, CWD effects on hunting and two seats cannot be filled for the CDAC Committee.
Kevin Wallenfang, WDNR, opened the meeting with a recap of the past hunting season and a report on the CDAC's 2016 quota and permit settings. Brian Richards, USGS, followed up with a presentation on the effects of CWD and efforts on trying to stop the spread of the disease. Many delegates expressed concern about CWD, the hurting populations of White deer in Sauk County and many hunting violations occuring. Delegate Jerry Aulik stated that all “deer farms” in State should be eliminated. -
On Aug. 14, 2016 at the Grand Lodge Waterpark Resort, 28 attendees of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress Deer & Elk Advisory Committee met. The attendees discussed cross-bow season length, harvesting regulations and new hunting tools.
Delegate Dick Boudhui presented the Heard Management Tool, Earn-A-Buck. He expressed why this tool should be passed onto legislation. This resolution was rejected first but after much discussion, this concept was approved. Delegates Michael Fuge and Kulas presented resolutions regarding new regulations for cross-bow season, such as start dates and length of season. After the longest meeting by this committee, the meeting adjourned after CWD recaps and a preview to the upcoming hunting season. -
A committee of 17 members and two DNR liaisons met by conference call on Nov. 10, 2016. The committee discussed farmland zone, hunter violations and buck and antlerless tags.
Delegate Mark Riggle explained how hunters kill three to four bucks per season and that there are too many violations that would prohibit hunters to only killing one buck per year. Riggle's motion was rejected but case about tagging certain deer arose. Issues such as bonus buck tags, antlerless tags were discussed by the members. Most of these resolutions were rejected. This 3-hour conference call was then adjourned following delegates' reports on forestry, land damage and cross-bow hunting -
On Mar. 18, 2017, the WCC met at the Portage County Public Library in Stevens point. The attending members discussed issues on CWD scaring hunters, hunting participation and legal stances by legislation on hunting.
Keving Wallenfang, DNR, opened the meeting with a recap on last year's hunting season and noted a 29% rise in female hunting. He also covered compliance for online hunting registration. Dan Storm followed up by covering deer population surveys and research. Many delegates such as Tony Grabski stated that the rise in CWD is scaring hunters in county's across the state. CWD was the main focus on the meeting which adjourned after six hours of discussion.