Wisconsin Conservation Congress Deer & Elk Advisory Committee Meetings

  • Wisconsin Conservation Congress Deer & Elk Advisory Committee Meeting One

    On this date, the Wisconsin Conservation Congress met to discuss deer and elk safety regulations in Wisconsin. The committee members, focused specifically on whether or not to expand hunting zones, or to create protection for certain deer or elks.
  • Wisconsin Conservation Congress Deer & Elk Advisory Committee Meeting Two

    On this date, the Wisconsin Conversation Congress Deer and Elk committee, came together to look at the number of deer fatalities in the area. The committee's main goal was to try and stabilize and create a balance of deer in certain areas of the state.They felt the zero deer quota, for the northern forest, would help create a balance.
  • Wisconsin Conservation Congress Deer & Elk Advisory Committee Meeting 3

    The Wisconsin Conservation Congress Deer & Elk Advisory Committee, met on this day, to resolve some issues that were on the minds of the members. The main goal of this meeting, was for all the committee members to come together, and discuss any relevant issues so that could be resolved among everyone and an agreement was met.
  • Wisconsin Conservation Congress Deer & Elk Advisory Committee Meeting Four

    The Wisconsin Conservation Congress Deer & Elk Advisory Committee, met up to talk about antlerless tags. Some of the committee members, wanted to increase the price of tags in Wisconsin. The members ultimately decided to adjust the cost of tags, based on the county where the deer are located.
  • Wisconsin Conservation Congress Deer & Elk Advisory Committee Meeting Five

    On this date, the Wisconsin Conservation Congress Deer & Elk Advisory Committee, came together to discuss updates from their previous meetings. The committee met up to go over the issues brought up in previous meetings, with new updates from the DNR, and to wrap up the 2014 deer season.