Hello World
I was born to my mom and dad. The hospital I was born in is chirst hospital in oak lawn, illnois -
Last year of Prairie
I want to go to info tech because I dont like music or art but i do like computers and im good with them too -
Bye prairie
The three goals i want to accomplish are be responsible, get in honor math, and be on basket ball team -
What high school
I will be going to shepard because people that I know who went to other high schools said i wish i went to Shepard -
First year in Shepard
I want to be in honors math. so my parent would be proud of me. -
Football team
I want be on the football team because people think im a line backer but nobody knows how far and accurate I am with a football -
My club
I will join a club that has to do with sports -
My grades
i want my grades to be B+ or higher -
Last year of shepard
I want my GPA to be the best of my ability -
The goal i want to accomplish is to be successful and take all the necessary classes -
After High School
the obsticles i will have to face are my parents wouldn't agree of what i want to be or if my grades are too low to attend the university of my choice -
College and Job
I want to be a computer engineer at ITT tech the salery is $90,000 a year for software programming the degree i need is bachlor -
University Graduation
I would like to see my family there.I would feel shocked because i justvrember the day i walked in elementary school.I will also feel proud for my accomplishment -
One of my life goals are going skydiving after Graduation thats my birthday -
I want to go to Italy with my parents -
I want to work for sony -
I want to get married and have 3 kids and live in a big house -
I want to live after my parents die, so they can see my kids amd i great grand kids