Churchill 2

Winston Churchill

  • Birth

    Winston Churchill was born on November 30, 1874. His parents Lord Randolph Churchill and Lady Randolph Churchill
  • Winston Churchill's Father Dies

    Winston Churchill's Father Dies
    Lord Randolph dies at the age of 45, although they did not have a great relationship Winston worries that he will die young so he decides to do as much as he can with his life.
  • Churchill Runs For Parliment

    Churchill Runs For Parliment
    At the invitation of politician Robert Ascroft, Winston ran for parliament. although he did not win the election he impressed many people with his campaigning skills.
  • Albert Einstein publishes E=mc2

    Albert Einstein publishes E=mc2
    Albert Einstein, submits his paper to a physics journal, called "Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?" In this paper he develops an argument for what will be his famous equation E = mc2
  • First Car Production

    First Car Production
    Cars did not become widely available until the early 1900s. One of the first cars that was accessible to the masses was the 1908 Model T, an American car manufactured by the Ford Motor Company.
  • Winston Marries Clementine Hozier

    Winston Marries Clementine Hozier
    Churchill marries Clementine Hozier who which he had met 4 years earlier at a ball in a church. In future they will have five children together. They would be married for the rest of Churchills life.
  • USA enters world war 1

    USA enters world war 1
    The U.S. joined its allies Britain, France, and Russia to fight in World War I. More than 2 million U.S. soldiers fought in France. Many Americans didn't want the U.S. entering the war and wanted to remain a neutral country.
  • Amelia Earhart flies across the Atlantic

    Amelia Earhart flies across the Atlantic
    After several delays, due to weather Amelia Earhart flew across the Atlantic. This was important in world history because, this would pave the road to gender equality, and showing young women to follow their dreams.
  • Churchill's first term as prime minister

    Churchill's first term as prime minister
    The germans were preparing to invade France. The current prime minister resigned and Winston Churchill became prime minister. The first two months he denied any negations with Germany and Germany bombed Lodon but failed.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Airplanes from Japanese aircraft carriers strike at US military camp at Pearl Harbor and Kaneohe Bay on the island of Oahu. The Japanese bombed the US at Clark Field in the Philippines. Most US aircraft are destroyed while on the ground.
  • Chruchill loses the United Kingdom general election

    Chruchill loses the United Kingdom general election
    even though he was a leader in World War II, Churchill is defeated by Clement Atlee in the general election for prime minister. The majority of voters want to focus on social reform, such as the housing crisis, voters believed that Atlee was better equipped to lead the nation on these issues.
  • Churchill gives famous "iron curtain" speech

    Churchill gives famous "iron curtain" speech
    Speaking to a group of students in Missouri, Churchill says that an "iron curtain" has fallen over Europe. He is talking about Stalin's plan to spread communism across Europe and the term "iron curtain" becomes a political term.
  • Churchill is elected prime minister again

    Churchill is elected prime minister again
    Churchill is elected prime minister a second time, beating Clement Atlee. This time as a member of the Conservative Party, he focuses on domestic affairs while also having a close relationship with the United States government.
  • Winston Churchill wins the nobel peace prize

    Winston Churchill wins the nobel peace prize
    Churchill is awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. He was the author of 40 books, he wons the Nobel Prize for his entire series, especially for the six-volume set of The Second World War.
  • I Have a Dream

    I Have a Dream
    Martin Luther King Jr. gave a speech to a group of people in front of the Lincoln memorial in Washington DC. The speech was the influential and one of the most memorable speeches of Dr. King's career. Popularly known as the "I have a Dream" speech, the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. influenced the Federal government to take more actions to face racial equality.
  • Winston Churchill Died

    Winston Churchill Died
    Two weeks after another stroke, Churchill dies at home in London at 90 years old. His funeral is the largest state funeral in world history, 112 representatives from different countries went.