
Wilmot Project

By bburns
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    He purpossed to ban slavery in the Territoy acquired from Mexico except Texas, congress refused to pass it. This made a party called the Free-Soil party that wanted to stop slavery from spreading.
  • The roots of the Soil party

    The roots of the Soil party
    They were foucused on removing slavary from every edge on the US. They wanted to remove laws that discrimated blacks and give them a chance as well.
  • The divide

    Wilmot said a purposal that divided Congress. "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in lands won in the Mexican and American war.
  • The effects of this divide.

    There started to be protests and ot made northerners shout SLAVE POWER as they were protesting and in Court.
  • Last fight Date N/A

    The lawmakes and house of representives could not avoid the issue any more they stay divided as long as Wilmot's purposal lasted.
  • The last President to hold slaves in office- President Taylor

    The last President to hold slaves in office-  President Taylor
    He was the 12 Presdent in the US. He was the second Presdent to die in office. He had a forty year millatary carrier before he was in office as well.