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William H Taft project

  • Future president is born

    Future president is born
    William H Taft was born in Cincinnati Ohio.
  • William H Taft graduates high school

    William H Taft graduates high school
    William graduates high school 2nd in his class with a 91.5 out of 100 gpa
  • William H Taft graduates college

    William H Taft graduates college
    William graduated with a bachelors to be a lawyer
  • William H Taft gets a new job

    William H Taft gets a new job
    William gets a job as a lawyer
  • William gets a promotion

    William gets a promotion
    after becoming a lawyer William gets appointed as a judge as he is still in his 20's
  • William runs for president

    William runs for president
    William runs for president against William Jennings Bryan
  • William H Taft is the new president

    William H Taft is the new president
    William ran for president and won
  • William H Taft is inaugurated

    William H Taft is inaugurated
    William takes the oath as president
  • Taft's first message to congress

    Taft's first message to congress
    Taft proposes a two percent tax on the income of all corporations except banks, which he believes will make up for revenue lost
  • calling for the 16th amendment

    calling for the 16th amendment
    The Senate passes a resolution calling for the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution
  • warships sent out

    warships sent out
    Taft sends 2 warships in response to the 500 who died in Nicaragua
  • new general of the army

    new general of the army
    Taft appoints General Leonard Wood as Chief of Staff of the Army.
  • New supreme court member

    New supreme court member
    Taft elevates circuit judge Horace H. Lurton to the Supreme Court
  • Taft fires Gifford Pinchot

     Taft fires Gifford Pinchot
    Taft fires the head of the United States Forest Services, Gifford Pinchot.
  • Taft appoints Hughes to the supreme court

    Taft appoints Hughes to the supreme court
    Taft appoints Governor Charles Hughes of New York to the supreme court
  • the mann act

    the mann act
    congress passes the Mann act also known as the white slave traffic act
  • democrats win

    democrats win
    Democrats win control of the house of representatives for the first time since 1894
  • Taft appoints new chief justice

    Taft appoints new chief justice
    Taft appoints Associate Chief Justice Edward White as Chief Justice of the supreme court
  • Saving the seals

    Saving the seals
    The United States and Britain sign a treaty guaranteeing the protection of pelagic fur seals in Bering waters
  • Mobilizing the Mexican border

    Mobilizing the Mexican border
    Taft orders the mobilization of 20,000 American soldiers along the Mexican border
  • Taft appoints Secretary of War

    Taft appoints Secretary of War
    Taft appoints Henry Stimson secretary of war to replace Jacob Dickinson
  • American Tobacco Co dissolved

    American Tobacco Co dissolved
    The Supreme Court finds the American Tobacco Company in violation of the Sherman Anti-trust Act and orders its dissolution
  • New Mexico becomes a state

    New Mexico becomes a state
    New Mexico is admitted as the forty-seventh state
  • Vice President John Sherman dies

    Vice President John Sherman dies
    Vice President John Sherman dies
  • Wilson defeats Taft

    Wilson defeats Taft
    Democrat Woodrow Wilson defeats Taft and in the 1912 presidential election
  • Taft vetoes literacy tests

    Taft vetoes literacy tests
    Taft vetoes a bill calling for literacy tests for immigrants
  • Huerta overthrows Madero

    Huerta overthrows Madero
    General Victoriano Huerta overthrows Mexican President Madero. Taft refuses to intervene
  • Sixteenth Amendment ratified

    Sixteenth Amendment ratified
    The Sixteenth Amendment, originally passed in Congress on July 2, 1909, is finally ratified
  • Webb-Kenyon Interstate Liquor Act

    Webb-Kenyon Interstate Liquor Act
    congress passes the Webb-Kenyon Interstate Liquor Act which prohibits the shipment of liquor into “dry” states
  • Woodrow Wilson is inaugurated

    Woodrow Wilson is inaugurated
    Woodrow Wilson is inaugurated as the twenty-eighth President of the United States. Taft leaves Washington for a vacation in Augusta, Georgia