He was born in Cornwall, England. He was raised in the 14th century with two activistic parent's. -
William Golding began college in 1930 and studied science for two years. He went to Brasenose college in Oxford for. -
Start of teaching
He started teaching in Salisbury at Bishop Wordsworth. The subject he taught was philopsphy. -
Graduated College
William Golding graduated college in 1935. He earned a Bachelor's of Arts in English and an Educational diploma. -
In 1939 before his temporary leave to help the royal navy he got married. His lovely wife's name was Ann Brookfield. -
Helping the Royal Navy
In 1940 Golding stopped teaching and returned after the war in 1945. He stopped in order to helped the Royal Navy in World War II. -
Publication of His Work
Golding was able to get his book "Lord of the Flies" published. This was an enormous success especially after the many rejections he received. -
End of teaching
He ended his teaching career in order to start working on his writing full time. -
Nobel Prize
In 1938 William Golding was awarded a Nobel Prize in literature due to his work, "Lord of The Flies." -
Golding died in June of 1993 in Cornwall. He died due to a heart attack.