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William golding timeline

  • William Golding birth

    William Golding birth
    William Golding was born on September 19 in St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, England.
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    Golding attends Marlborough Grammar School

    Golding attends Marlborough Grammar School, where he develops an interest in literature and begins writing.
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    He studies natural sciences at Brasenose College, Oxford

    He studies natural sciences at Brasenose College, Oxford, but also becomes involved in theater and writes for the college magazine.
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    Golding works various odd jobs, including as a writer, actor, ETC...

    Golding works various odd jobs, including as a writer, actor, and theater producer. He also starts writing novels during this time but faces rejection from publishers.
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    During World War II, Golding serves in the Royal Navy

    During World War II, Golding serves in the Royal Navy, participating in various campaigns, including the sinking of the Bismarck. These experiences profoundly influence his later writings.
  • Golding's first novel, "Lord of the Flies"

    Golding's first novel, "Lord of the Flies"
    Golding's first novel, "Lord of the Flies," is published. The book receives critical acclaim and becomes a classic of modern literature.
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    Golding continues to write novels

    Golding continues to write novels, including "The Inheritors" (1955), "Pincher Martin" (1956), "Free Fall" (1959), "The Spire" (1964), and "The Pyramid" (1967), among others. He also publishes essays and plays.
  • Golding is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature

    Golding is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature
    Golding is awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his contributions to literature, particularly for his exploration of the human condition.
  • Golding's health begins to decline

    Golding's health begins to decline
    Golding's health begins to decline, and he suffers from various illnesses.
  • William Golding dies

    William Golding dies
    William Golding dies on June 19, at the age of 81, in Perranarworthal, Cornwall, England.