William golding

William Golding

  • Birth

    William Golding was born on September 19, 1911, in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England. He was also raised next to a graveyard.
  • Went to Brasenose College

    Went to Brasenose College
    He originally studied science but because of his dad, he switched to literature.
  • Started teaching at Salisbury

    Started teaching at Salisbury
    William taught English, ( which is self explanatory) and loved his job.
  • Joined Royal Navy

    Joined Royal Navy
    He became a Lieutenant after six years fighting in world war 2.
  • He decided to start teaching again

    He decided to start teaching again
    William Golding went back to teaching and figured out that was one of the things he loved like being a Lieutenant.
  • "Lord of the Flies" got published

    "Lord of the Flies" got published
    After many rejections, William got his first book published which is an important thing in teaching today because of the amount of symbolism in the book.
  • Lord of the Flies movie came out

    Lord of the Flies movie came out
    Peter Brook created a Lord of the Flies movie right when William retired.
  • He won a nobel peace prize.

    He won a nobel peace prize.
    "Lord of the Flies had such a huge impact on literature and the world that he won a nobel peace prize in literature.
  • Got knighted

    Got knighted
    William Golding was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II, he was also very old at that time.
  • Died

    In 1993 after a long life he ended up dying of a heart attack.