William Golding

  • Birth

    William Golding was born on September 19th, 1911 in Newquay, United Kingdom. His parents were Mildred Golding, and Alec Golding.
  • Childhood

    In William's childhood, he described himself as a brat, and he said that he enjoyed bullying people. For primary school, he attended Marlborough Grammar School which his father ran. Also when he was 12 he attempted to write a novel, unsuccessfully. William had an older brother named Joseph Golding and he also attended Marlborough Grammar School.
  • Education

    William went to college at Brasenose College in Oxford, and went for natural science for two years and got a degree, Then for his last two years he studied English and got a degree in English. This helped him later when he decided to be a teacher. He graduated in the year 1934.
  • Marriage

    Golding was engaged to Molly Evans, a woman from Marlborough, who was well liked by both of his parents, but he broke off the engagement and married Ann Brookfield in 1939. William and Ann met at a book club in London. They had two children Judy Carver and David Golding.
  • Books

    William wrote many books but some of his most famous were, Lord of the Flies, Pincher Martian, Rites of Passage, Darkness Visible, and The Inheritors. His first novel was published in 1954 and it was Lord of the Flies, he was 43 when he published this book.
  • Awards

    William Golding won two awards they are the Nobel Prize in Literature and the Booker Prize. He won the Nobel in 1983 when he was 73 and he won the Booker Prize in 1980 when he was 69.