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William Golding

  • Birth

    William Golding was born on September 19,1911 in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England. His mother was Mildred and his father was Alex
  • First attempt

    At age 12 William attempted to write his first novel and failed, so he took his frustration out on his peers.
  • College

    After primary school William attended Brasenose College at Oxford University and studied English Literature.
  • First Novel

    In 1934 William published his first work, a book of poetry titled "poems" which was greatly ever looked
  • Profession

    In 1935 William took a position teaching English and Philosophy at Bishop Wordsworth's School in Salisbury.
  • WW2

    In 1940 he left teaching to join the Royal Navy to fight in WW2
  • After WW2

    In 1945 after the war William went back to teaching English and writing his books
  • Lord of Flies

    In 1954 William published his first novel "Lord of Flies" which was rejected 21 times before being published
  • Retirement

    In 1963 William retired from teaching and soon after a film adaptation of "Lord of Flies" was made.
  • Period: to

    Noble Prize

    At age 73 William was awarded the 1983 Noble Prize for Literature, was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in 1988
  • Death

    On June 19th 1993 William died of a heart attack in Berranar Worthal, Cornwall