William Golding

By divyab
  • William Golding's Birth

    William Golding was born on this date, in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England. He was raised by his mother, an active suffragette, and his father, a schoolmaster, in a house next to a graveyard. In Marlborough Grammar School, a school his father ran, he attempted to write a novel. Frustrated, he found an outlet through bullying others (biography.com).
  • His First Published Work

    In 1934, William Golding first published a work of poems titled, Poems, in the year before he graduated college (biography.com).
  • Golding's Career in Teaching

    In 1935, Golding wanted to follow his father in the field of education, as he pursued a position as an English and philosophy professor (biography.com).
  • College Graduation

    Golding graduated from the University of Oxford with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in education (cliffsnotes.com).
  • Marriage

    Golding married his wife, Ann Brookfield (biography.com).
  • World War II: Royal Navy

    As World War II began, Golding was called to join the Royal Navy and temporarily halted his profession. During his six years of naval fighting, he fell in love with sailing, fighting off battleships, submarines, and planes (biography.com).
  • The publication of Lord of the Flies

    In trying to publish his novel, Lord of the Flies, he got 21 rejections before it finally got published in 1954. The novel referenced the two most important events that happened to him: his English profession teaching young boys, and also his naval experiences (biography.com)
  • Royal Society of English

    Golding was provided access into the Royal Society of Literature (cliffsnotes.com).
  • The Film

    Nine years after its publication, Peter Brook created a film based off of the novel, Lord of the Flies (biography.com).
  • Nobel Prize for Literature

    At the age of 73, Golding wont the Nobel Prize for Literature for his widely acclaimed novel, Lord of the Flies (biography.com).
  • Knighthood

    He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1988 (biography.com).
  • New Film adaptation

    In 1990, a new film was created of the Lord of the Flies book bringing its attention to another generation (biography.com).
  • Death

    On this date, Golding experienced a heart attack in Perranarworthal, Cornwall. After his death, his completed script for The Double Tongue was published (biography.com).