William Golding

  • born

    Golding was born in Cornwall England in 1911. He lived with his mom, dad, and brother Joseph.
  • Graduated from Oxford

    Graduated from Oxford
    William Golding attended Brasenose college in Oxford. Golding´s father had been a professor here already. On Williams 3rd year, he switched his major to the literature program.
  • worked for a small theater

    worked for a small theater
    When Golding was young, He worked in a theater in a small, run down part of town. He worked as an actor, writer, and producer.
  • Got married to Ann Brookfield

    Got married to Ann Brookfield
    in 1939 William Golding got married to Ann Brookfield in Cornwall. Together they had 2 children.
  • Began serving in the Navy

    Began serving in the Navy
    Golding served six years in the British armed forces before retiring. His family claims he chose the Navy for his love of the sea.
  • Retired from the Navy

    Retired from the Navy
    Golding left the British armed forces after six years of service to pursue other aspirations such as his love for writing.
  • published ¨Lord of the Flies¨

    published ¨Lord of the Flies¨
    Golding took his book to 21 different publishers before getting approved by one. He was quite determined to find someone to publish it.
  • Died

    William Golding died in 1993 due to a heart attack. Golding was 81 years old when he passed.