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William Golding

By 908217
  • Birth

    William was born on september 19 1911. In Newquay, Cornwall, England.
  • childhood

    He was raised in a 14th-century house next door to a graveyard. His mother, Mildred, was an active suffragette who fought for women's right to vote. His father, Alex, worked as a schoolmaster.
  • After school

    After school
    After primary school, William went on to attend Brasenose College at Oxford University. His father hoped he would become a scientist, but William opted to study English literature instead. In 1934, a year before he graduated, William published his first work, a book of poetry aptly entitled Poems. The collection was largely overlooked by critics.
  • Teaching

    After college, Golding worked in settlement houses and the theater for a time. Eventually, he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. In 1935 Golding took a position teaching English and philosophy at Bishop Wordsworth’s School in Salisbury.
  • Family

    Golding was engaged to Molly Evans, a woman from Marlborough, who was well liked by both of his parents. However, he broke off the engagement and married Ann Brookfield, an analytical chemist, on 30 September 1939. They had two children, David (born September 1940) and Judith (born July 1945).
  • milatary service

    milatary service
    During World War ll, Golding serverd in the Royal Navy. His wartime experiences would proudly impact his later works, especially "Lord of the Flies" which explores the dark side of human nature in a survival context
  • Golding's persionality

    Golding's persionality
    Golding as a child was known as kinda a bully and selfish. Than when he grew up he was actually very funny, but a complicated and deeply self loaning man, as his family described him.
  • first book published

    first book published
    Golding's first published novel was Lord of the Flies (1954; film 1963 and 1990) which was rejected 21 rimes. The story of a group of school boys isolated on a coral island who revert to savagery. Its imationation an brutal deception of the rapid and inevitable dissolution of social more aroused widespread intrest.
  • Nobel Prize Winner

    Nobel Prize Winner
    William Golding was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his body of work. This prestigious honor recognized his skill in delving into the complexities of human behavior.
  • Death

    Unfortunately, he died on June 19, 1993 at the age of 81, due to heart faliure.