The birth of William Golding
William Golding was born on September 19th 1911, he was born in Newquay, New Kingdom. The mother who birthed him was called Mildred Golding. -
William Golding Childhood
When William Golding's childhood 1912-1928 he would have described himself as a brat he liked to bully people. And says he enjoyed hurting people -
William Golding's first career
After graduating college at Brasenose College, Oxford he started working at a settlement house, and was a teacher. -
William Golding's marriage
in 1939 William Golding got married to Ann Brookfield -
William Golding joined the military
After working in his settlement house for a few years he then went on to join the Royal Navy in 1940 serving for around 7 years -
William Golding's first book
He published his first book in 1954 called The Lord of the flies. -
William Golding awards
In 1983 William Golding won the Nobel Prize for literature -
William Golding's death
On June 19th, 1993 Willam Golding passed from from heart failure at the age of 81.