William Golding

  • Birth

    Golding was born in Cornwell, England to mother and father Mildred and Alec Golding.
  • started college

    Attended Barsenose College in Oxford, initially studying science like his father. In his third year at college, Golding changed from stuidying science to literature.
  • writing debut

    Whilst still at Barsenose College, Golding published his first material. This was a collection of his poems, displayed in Macmillan's Contemporary Poets series.
  • Joins the Army

    After years of teaching English and philosophy, Golding join the Navy. His service would last 5 years during WWII, and forced him to view the height of mankind's cruelty. This experience would alter his view on humanity, heavily influencing his writing themes, often on the evil and nature of humans.
  • Publishes Lord Of The Flies

    His first novel to be published (after 21 rejections), Golding combines his life experiences of the minds of schoolboys with the dichotomy of the savagery and civility of humans. Many books followed this one, but none were as hard hitting or impactful as this one.
  • Wins Nobel Prize

    After publishing Lord of the Flies (along with many other books), being knighted, becoming a member of the Royal Society of Literature, and winning the Booker Prize, Golding received the Nobel Prize for literature. This was the most prestigious prize he would win, and displays the great impact he had.
  • Death

    Golding likely died of a heart attack/congestive heart failure after providing the world with many thought provoking and controversial novels.