William Golding <3

By jimin13
  • Birth

    Goldie’s birthday 🥳
  • William attending Brasenose College at Oxford

    Golding spent 2 years studying science, as his father wanted him to, and spent his third year studying literature.
  • Goldings poems were first published

    Goldings poems were first published by Macmillan as a part of their contemporary poets series, opening his work to the public.
  • Graduation from oxford

    In 1935, he graduated from Oxford with a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in education.
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    Golding began working in the theatre industry

    From 1935, to 1939, William Golding worked as a writer, actor and producer with a small theatre company in an unfashionable part of London. He considered his work in theatre one of his largest influences in literature, specifically works by Shakespeare and greek theatre.
  • Golding began teaching

    William Golding taught English and Philosophy at Bishop Wordsworth's school in Salisbury.
  • Wedding <3

    William Golding married analytical chemist Ann Brookfield!
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    Serving in the Navy

    For the span of 5 years, Golding served in the Navy, which had a large effect on him and his mental health. The brutality and barbarity he witnessed during his serviced shaped his world views and affected his writing topics and practice heavily. Writing about his wartime experiences later, he asserted that "man produces evil, as a bee produces honey."
  • His first novel, Lord of The Flies is published

    William Golding has his first novel, ' Lord of the Flies ' published, a fictional novel exploring the ideas of loss of innocence and rationality through human nature and will to dominate.
  • Membership in the Royal society of Literature

    Following the publication of his best-known work, Lord of the Flies, Golding was granted membership in the Royal Society of Literature in 1955.
  • 'The Inheritors' is published

    Soon after his first novel was published, Golding published his second novel 'The Inheritors', a novel further exploring the evil in human nature and beast like tendencies of homosapiens.
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    Continued Literature

    In the years after Lord of flies and The inheritors were publishes, William Golding continued to write and publish works such as ' The Spire ' and 'Rites of Passage', as well as many more until his death.
  • Ended his teaching position

    With the expception of the 5 years he spent in the Royal Navy, Golding continued teaching until 1961, when he left to pursue writing full time .
  • Winning the prestigious Booker Prize

    His 1980 novel Rites of Passage won the Booker Prize, a prestigious British award.
  • Nobel Prize 😋

    Golding's greatest honor was being awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize for Literature.
  • Received the honorary designation Commander of the British Empire.

    What the title said 😚
  • Death

    William Golding passed due to heart failure at age 81 🙁