
William Golding

  • Birth

    William Golding was born in 1911 to his parents Mildred Golding and Alec Golding, and already had a brother, Joseph Golding.
  • Marriage

    William Golding got married to his fiance Ann Brookfield in 1939.
  • 1st Child

    1st Child
    In 1940, William Golding and Ann Brookfield had their first child, David Golding.
  • Served in the Army

    Served in the Army
    William Golding served in the British Navy for 6 years in total, and during this time he had some missions involving WW2.
  • 2nd Child

    2nd Child
    In 1945, William Golding and Ann Brookfield had their second child (and last) Judith Golding.
  • Lord of the Flies was Published

    Lord of the Flies was Published
    William Golding published his book "Lord of the Flies" On September 17, 1954, his second official book ever published, his first book being "The Adventures of Augie March."
  • Booker Award

    Booker Award
    In 1980, William Golding won the Booker Award, his first ever reward for his book "Lord of the Flies".
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    In 1983, William Golding won a Nobel Prize in Literature, which was the second award that he earned
  • William Golding Dies

    William Golding Dies
    William Golding ended up dying in 1993 due to congestive heart failure.