William Golding

  • Brith date

    Brith date
    William Golding was born on this date in Saint Columb Minor, Cornwall, England.
  • Poems

    William Golding published his first book, a book of poetry entitled Poems. Critcs overlooked his books.
  • Fathers foot steps

    Fathers foot steps
    In 1935 Willam Golding took a position teaching English and philosophy at Bishop Wordsworth’s School in Salisbury. Folowign the career path of his father.
  • Left teaching

    Left teaching
    In WWIIGolding temporarily left teaching in 1940 to join the Royal Navy. He saw some combat too, also he was placed in command of a rockets launching craft.
  • Back at it

    Back at it
    After the war ended Goldign had resumed to teaching and writting.
  • Lord of the flies

    Lord of the flies
    In 1954 Willam Gloding worte his first book called Lord of the flies.
  • A film

    A film
    A year after Willam Golding retired from teaching, Peter Brook made a film of the critically acclaimed novel Lord of the Flies.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    In 1983 Mr, Golding was awarded the Nobel prize for his great Literature skills.
  • A new flim

    A new flim
    In 1990 a new version of the movie Lord of the Flies, which brought the book another wave of attention to a new generation.
  • Willam Golding passes away

    Willam Golding passes away
    In the early summer of 1993 William Golding passed away.