William Clark

  • William Clark is Born

    He was born to John and Ann Clark. He was the ninth of ten siblings. He was born in Caroline County, Virginia.
  • Clark Family Relocates

    Clark Family Relocates
    After Clark's brothers were done with fighting in the military, his family decided to move. They ended up moving near Mulberry Hill. They lived in a plantation in Louisville, Kentucky until 1803.
  • Clark joins the Military

    Clark joins the Military
    Clark joined the war and fought in the Northwest Indian War. He was 19 years old at the time and kept a journal of his mission. Clark went on to become a captain of a militia and was sent on missions to talk with Creek and Cherokee​.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    Battle of Fallen Timbers
    Commanded riflemen in this war. This ended the Northwest Indian War. He settled any extra disputes after the war.
  • Clark resigns

    Clark resigns
    Clark resigns because of health issues. He was age 26 when he resigned. He immediately went back to the family plantation​.
  • Lewis recruits Clark

    Lewis recruits Clark
    Lewis recruited Clark to share command of the expedition. They went on to explore and map the Louisiana Purchase. The expedition was 3 years long.
  • Clark gets Married

    Clark gets Married
    He gets married to Julia Hancock. They have 5 children. They have these 5 children in the span of 10 years.
  • Lewis Dies

    Lewis Dies
    Lewis was a great partner and friend to Clark. Clark became very lonely after Lewis died. He started drinking and problems started to arise.
  • Clark leads War of 1812 expedition

    Clark leads War of 1812 expedition
    Fort Shelby was formed because of this expedition. Fort Shelby was located in Wisconsin. At the same time, Clark was appointed to Missouri territory governer.
  • Clark's Wife dies

    Clark's Wife dies
    Julia Hancock dies and Clark gets remarried. He gets remarried to Julia's cousin. He has three children with her.
  • Congress creates position for Clark

    Congress creates position for Clark
    Becomes superintendent of Indian affairs. Handled many issues for the Indians. Was known for handling issues west of the Mississippi.
  • William Clark Dies

    He dies at the age of 68. He was buried in Bellefontaine Cemetery. He was known for being compassionate and very helpful to the Indians.