William Chase - Transition to the Modern World Timeline

By wichase
  • 1337

    Black Death hits Europe

    It came to Europe because 12 ships from the Black Sea docked at the Sicilian port of Messina. When people came to board the docks, they found most of the sailors aboard the ship were dead.
  • 1440

    Printing Press invented by Gutenberg

    Although it was already invented in China, Gutenberg became a revolutionary with his popularization of the printing press in Europe. His invention was very important to the evolution of government and religion. Martin Luther used the printing press to share his views of the Catholic Church and directly caused the downfall of the Church and sparked many other religions to be made.
  • 1451

    Christopher Columbus Birth

    Christopher Columbus was a pioneer in the transition age because he was the person to report to the queen of Spain that there was more land in the Americas. His voyages across the Atlantic Ocean is a journey that is still celebrated today because of what we now know because of it.
  • 1473

    Nicolaus Copernicus Birth

    Mathematician and astronomer were the first to make a map of the solar system showcasing the sun at the center. He was an inspiration to Galileo because he pushed him to rebel and prove that the Catholic Church was wrong in what they were teaching.
  • 1503

    Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

    The sitter’s mysterious smile and her unproven identity have made the painting a source of ongoing investigation and fascination. The painting presents a woman in the half-body portrait, which has as a backdrop a distant landscape.
  • 1504

    David by Michelangelo

    The statue is to represent the biblical hero, David, standing as a nude male. It was meant to be one of a series of large statues to be positioned in the niches of the cathedral’s tribunes, way up at about 80mt from the ground.
  • Nov 10, 1517

    Luther’s 95 theses

    Martin Luther made a document attacking the Catholic church’s profane practice of selling “indulgences” which states that if you pay money to the indulgence chest then you will spend less time in hell. And thanks to the printing press, he was able to spread this all over the town.
  • A Midsummer Night's dream

    One of Shakespeares most popular plays. It includes different adventures such as the marriage of the Duke of Athens, Theseus, and Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons.
  • Galileo's Telescope was invented

    Galileo invented his telescope in 1609, it was modeled after magnifying glasses which were already invented. Later he went to make another kind of telescope that could magnify things a lot larger than the previous model.
  • Anglican Church

    The third largest branch of Christianity with over 85 million supporters this is a very popular branch. The Anglican Church was formed to stand up against the Catholic Church when they felt they were being cheated with the creation of the indulgence chest. This served as another branch that people could move to so they could have more freedom.