Invitation from Respondant to participate in Tender Process
Kapoor Tsai invites Claimant to join to the tender process and was impressed by their managment of the supply chain. Also the Respondant attached the tender documents including Comestibles Fino´s General Business Philosophy and Code of Conduct for Suppliers. -
Claimant sends Letter of Acknowledgement
Delicatesy recieves the invitation to tender and will send the tender in accordance with the specified requirements. -
Claimant´s Offer for the Tender
Claimant sends the new document with the modifications on the size of the cake and the new time for the payment. -
Respondant accepts the modifications from Claiment
Comestibles Finos agrees with the changes and they establish the date to start with the delivery of the cakes. -
Rodrigo Prasad Article in Vindobona Journal
Responsibility codes and Ethical Contracting -
Publication of the article related with the deforestation and corruption in Ruritania
Review from the documentary of the situation in Ruritania. Large parts of the rainforest were burnt down. -
Respondant sends email to Claimant informing them of the investigation from the UNEP.
Comestibles finos informs Claiment of the news related to the deforestation ocurring in Ruritania, country in which they buy their cocoa. -
Claimant´s answer from Respondant´s email
Delicatesy says that they are confident that the cocoa they used for the cakes are not in the situation of deforesantion and bribery from Ruritania. -
Claimant confirms that some cocoa was not produced in accordance with required principles
Claimant willing to offer a reduction of 25% of the total price of the 600,000 cakes delivered and not yet paid. -
Respondant says there exists a serious breach of the contract for the use of the cocoa
Respondant says they are entitled to terminate the contract pursuant to Clauses 4 (3) of the General Conditions of Contract and Principles C and E from Comestibles finos´Code of Conduct for Suppliers. -
Declaration of Impartiality, Independence and Availability. Claimant Arbitrato
Rodrigo Prasad is asked to act as and arbitrator. -
Notice of Arbitration Claimant
Horace Fasttrack sends notice of arbitration with the Statement of Facts, Legal Evaluation, Merits and the Statement of Relief Sought. -
Respondant Answers the Notice of Arbitration
John Langweiler as representative -
Presiding Arbitrator invites parties to a Case Management Conference
Caroline Rizzo is appointed as Presiding Arbitrator. -
Respondant obtained information that Claimant is financed by a third-party
Respondant askes for the name of the funder of the other party. -
Case Management Conference
Arbitral Tribunal orders Claimant to disclose to Respondant if the Party is financed by a third-party
Claimant ir ordered to reveal information related to the third-party. -
Claimant states that the claim in funded by Funding 12 Ltd.
The Main shareholder is Findfunds LP -
Claimant Arbitrator send letter of previous arbitratios related with Findfunds LP
Rodrigo Prasad says that the situation of his law firm does not affect his impartiality. -
Witness Statement by Annabelle Ming
Works for Comestibles finos, Respondant. -
Respondant sends Notice of Challenge of Arbitrator
Challenge of pursuant to Article 13 of UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. They challenge Mr. Prasad. -
Arbitrator Rodrigo Prasad will not Withdrawn from the Arbitration
He sees no remote connection with Findfunds LP -
Claimant says that the challenge againts Mr. Prasad is devoid of any merits
Claimant states that Respondant only wants to delay the arbitral proceedings with the challenge. -
Procedural Order No. 1 from Presiding Arbitrator