Willam Golding

By SamD09
  • Birth

    Born on September, 19, 1911
  • William married Anna Brookfield

    William married Anna Brookfield
    On September 30, 1938, William Golding married Anna Brookfield.
  • Enlisting in the Navy

    Enlisting in the Navy
    Willam worked as a teacher before enlisting in the Navy
  • Son David was born

    Son David was born
    In September of 1940 William and Anna had their first son David.
  • There second child Judith was born

    There second child Judith was born
    Their daughter Judith was born in July, 1945
  • William Golding won the Booker prize

    William Golding won the Booker prize
    in 1980 Willam won the Booker Prize
  • Won the Nobel Prize award in Literature

    Won the Nobel Prize award in Literature
    In 1983 Willam won the Nobel Prize award for his book Lord of the flies.
  • Golding was knighted

    Golding was knighted
    In 1988 William was a fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.
  • William Golding's death

     William Golding's death
    Died on June 19, 1993, Willam had a heart attack
  • Anna Brookfield death

    Anna Brookfield death
    In September 1995, Anna Brookfield died.