the birth
the day wilbur wright was born. he was born in milville, indiana -
new brother
wilbur's brother was born on this day. his name is orville. -
got news
They started their own newspaper, the West Side news. wilbur edited and oriville published. -
school out
wilbur wright compleats high school and moves on to collage -
killer stick
, an accident changed the course of Wilbur's life. He was badly injured in an ice hockey game, when another player's stick hit him in the face. Though most of his injuries healed, the incident plunged Wilbur into a depression. He did not receive his high school diploma, canceled plans for college, -
new bisnes
the opend up a bike shop selling there own disinged bike -
take flight
first sucsessful fly with their airplane -
they sold their air planes to france before returning to the U.S and they became full of weath. -
The death of wilbur
wilbur wright died on this day. He strugled to survive but it was no use he died at the young age of 45 years of age. he died in dayton ohio.