Wilbur Wright Life

  • Orville Wright is born

    Orville Wright is born
    Orville Wright is born in Dayton, Ohio
  • Wilbur is born

    Wilbur Wright is born in Indiana.
  • They build there first aircraft

    They build there first aircraft
    The Wright Brothers build their first aircraft, a rubber band powered helicopter that they call a bat.
  • Sports Injury

    Sports Injury
    A sports injury keeps Wilbur from going to college.
  • Printing Busines Begins

    Printing Busines Begins
    Orville starts a printing business while still in high school.
  • Newspaper Published

    Newspaper Published
    Orville starts a newspaper, "West Side News", and his brother joins him as editor.
  • Bicycles

    The Wright Brothers begin to repair bicycles.
  • Manufacturing Bicycles

    Manufacturing Bicycles
    The Wright Brothers begin to make bicycles.
  • Aerodynamic Control System

    Aerodynamic Control System
    Wilbur devises an aerodynamic control system for aircraft and builds a kite to test it.