Alleged founding of Wicca
Th official year of founding of Wicca, Gerald Gardner, an occultist who claimed to have been initiated by the Forest Coven, which are a group of pagan witches -
The Creation of the Book of Shadows
A book created and composed by Gerald Gardner, containing crucial magical rituals and information -
The Growth of Wicca
As more significant Wicca figures emerged, self-initiation was highly encouraged and became more popular as denominations of the Craft arose as well -
Major Denomination founded: Alexandrian Wicca
A man by the name of Alex Sanders believed that his mystical talents were transferred from his grandma, who he claimed initiated him into Wicca. He soon married his wife and referred to himself and his wife as the King and Queen of witches. -
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Gathering of Alexandrian Wicca Witches
Across these 10 years, almost 1,623 witches and 127 covens put themselves under the name of an Alexandrian Witch -
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Solitaries and Modern Witchcraft
There is currently plenty of contention surrounding the term "Wicca", since the practice are essentially acts of witchcraft, but active witched refuse to refer to it as witchcraft since they believe that their acts aren't a part of the dark arts. Many modern day books of witch craft contain Gardnerian rituals, which is why there is so much controversy surrounding the classification of witchcraft. -
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Dianic Wicca(growth)
A type of Wicca surrounded around a Goddess(Diana). This was a denomination developed so that women could freely choose to be witches and practice the presented spells, which was meant to be an act of feminism -
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Algard and Seax
Two respective denominations that:
A. Deviated from original or Alexandrian Wicca
B. Made slight alterations to tradition/norm Algard comes from a woman named Mary Nesnick, attempting to fuse Alexandrian and Gardnerian Wicca
Seax draws inspiration from Anglo-Saxon paganism