
Why does Japan have such a High Suicide Rate? (foreign)

  • Kamikazi

    Japanese people dont see suicide as a sin like most americans do. they belived it was an honorable death to commite suicide. this is important because people people look up to those that have killed themselves, even in the 40's.
  • Money Problem

    Money Problem
    Nearly 20 percent of men ages 20 to 44 will die due to suicide. they feel that there financial struggle is a good enough reason to take their own life. In the article it stated "40 percent of peolpe in japan are not able to find stable jobs. this is an important topic because the one thing that keeps us alive, kills them.
  • Help

    Japan is very short on Psychiatrist, often times when people are unwell they have no way of seeking the help they need. this is important because it opens our ous that some countries dont have the same advantages to health care like we do.
  • Isolation

    in Japan most men aged 25-29 had no interst in having a sexual relationship with with women. they are content with being with themselves. but the downfall is when they have mental troubles they have nowhere to run too. i think that this is a big point because most people need to be social.
  • The Solution

    The Solution
    People in Japan can set up appointemnts with therapist or psyhchiatrist but the problem is if they are reliable. japans Suicide rate has decreased in the last 3 years but is still very high. Watara Nishida says "Japan needs to start talking about mental illness much more and not just something that is strange and scary that aflicts a few.