• 200

    Slavic Land

    Slavic Land
  • 330

    Constantine built Constantinople

    Constantine built Constantinople
  • 370

    Germanic Invasions into Rome

    Germanic Invasions into Rome
    late 300s, Germanic peoples migrated into the empire for warmer climate and better grazing land.
  • Period: 378 to 476

    Germanic groups extended their hold on Roman territory

    378 - Rebelled Roman rule.
    410 - Visigothic chief led his people to Italy, capturing and sacking Rome.
    451 - Romans and Visigoths combined to stop the Huns.
    453 - The Huns retreated to eastern Europe.
    455 - The Vandals raided and sacked Rome.
    476 - German soldier seized control of Rome.
  • 395

    Roman Empire Divided

    Roman Empire Divided
    the eastern half became known as the Byzantine Empire
  • 400

    Franks settled in modern day France and western Germany

  • 400

    Romans abandoned Britain

  • Period: 527 to 565

    Justinian and Theodora

    Byzantine Empire was ruled by Justinian. Theodora, his wife, was politically talented and helped him rule without challenge after the first invasion.
  • 570

    Birth of Muhammad

    Birth of Muhammad
    Muslim prophet
  • Period: 650 to 1258


    Islamic holy struggle
  • Period: 700 to 1050


    700 - tie between military service and land ownership characterized feudalism.
    900 - took hold of northern France. Rankings:
    first - kings
    middle - lords
    lower middle - vassals, a noble who served the next higher ranked lord.
    bottom - knights Vassals officiated their loyalty to their lord through a ceremony called homage. Vassals pledged to feeding their lord when they visited, paying their ransoms, offering gifts, etc.
  • 750

    Islamic Conquests

    Islamic Conquests
  • 768

    Charlemagne became Frankish King

    Charlemagne became Frankish King
    nearly doubled the borders of his kingdom, soon became known as the Frankish Empire.
    revived learning.
  • 800

    Christian Roman Empire

    Charlemagne was named emperor by the Pope
  • 800

    Holy Roman Empire

    Holy Roman Empire
  • Period: 800 to 1000

    The Viking Invasions

    raiders from Scandinavia
    "to go a-viking" - to fight as a warrior.
  • Period: 800 to

    The Holy Roman Empire

  • Period: 871 to 899

    Alfred ruled Anglo-Saxon England

  • 886

    Alfred the Great

    Alfred the Great
    united the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and defeated the Danes
  • 955

    King Otto defeated the Magyars at the Battle of Lechfeld

  • 962

    Pope crowned Otto Roman emperor

  • 1000

    Nomadic clans roamed the steppe of central Asia

  • 1000

    The Turks

    The first people of the steppes to engage in conquest.
    The Seljuk Turks, a group of Muslim Turks, moved from central Asia to the Middle East.
  • 1000

    The Heavy Plow

    The Heavy Plow
  • Period: 1000 to 1400

    Invaders from the steppe of central Asia conquered territories in eastern Asia, the Middle East, and eastern Europe

    Steppe – much of the vast plains, thick forests, and mighty rivers North of the Black Sea.
  • 1050

    The Medieval Guild

    Guilds created standards for their products and regulations for sale.
  • Period: 1050 to 1270

    The Crusades

    the nine expeditions by European Christians to recover the Holy Land
  • 1066

    William the Conqueror

    William the Conqueror
    invaded England and defeated Harold Godwinson, winning him the English crown.
  • Period: 1100 to 1453

    The Middle Ages

    Medieval Ages, literally "the Middle Ages"
  • Period: 1100 to 1135

    Henry I ruled England

    created a royal treasury for tax collection.
  • 1150

    The Mongols

    became the dominant nomadic group on central Asia. Their homeland was Mongolia
  • Period: 1154 to 1189

    Henry II

    set a system of common law. with a grand jury and petit jury to establish guilt of innocence
  • Period: 1180 to 1223

    Philip Augustus (Philip II)

    ruled France
  • Period: 1199 to 1216

    John Lackland was king of England

  • 1200

    Ghengis Khan

    Ghengis Khan
  • 1206

    Genghis Khan and the Mongol armies

    conquered the steppe people, most being Turks.
  • 1211

    Mongol horsemen invaded China

    they won
  • 1215

    Magna Carta (Great Charter)

    places clear limits on royal power. prevented kings from collecting taxes without permission from the Great Council. Assure freemen the right of trial by jury.
  • Period: 1216 to 1272

    Henry III ruled England

    during his rule, increased population formed a new social class, the middle class.
  • 1227

    Genghis Khan died

  • 1275

    The Crusades helped speed up change in western Europe

    helped break down feudalism,
    increased authority of the kings,
    levied taxes,
    raised armies,
    and cooperated on a large scale.
  • 1275

    Crusades brought wealth and trade

  • 1279

    Mongols took over Chinese territory

  • Period: 1300 to

    The Renaissance

  • 1400

    Parliament split into two chambers:

    The House of Lords(nobles and clergy) and the House of Commons(knights and burgesses)
  • Period: 1452 to 1519

    Leonardo Da Vinci

  • 1453

    The Slavs took over leadership of the Eastern Orthodox

  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

  • Period: 1475 to 1564


  • 1500

    The Inquisition

    a church court set up to stamp out heresy
  • Period: 1530 to 1549

    Pope Paul III set out to reform the Church and stem the Protestant advance (Protestant Reformation)

  • 1560

    Religions of Europe

    Religions of Europe
  • Mercantilism

    designed to maximize the exports and minimize the imports of an economy
  • American Revolution

    People were outraged by the British government.
    The British were at a disadvantage of trying to fight a long-distance war.
    1777- British defeat at Saratoga, New York.
    France joined the American side.
    1779- Spain followed.
    1781- Americans forced the British army to surrender at Yorktown, Virginia.
    1783- Great Britain recognized American independence.
  • The Declaration of Independence was adopted by Congress

  • nations leaders of the United States confederation met in Philadelphia,

    they wrote the Constitution of the United States, a strong, but flexible, framework for a new national government.
  • Sir Authur Evans unearthed the remains of Minoan civilization