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Whitney's French Revolution

  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    This timeline represents of the French Revolution. Throughout a series of 5 important events, a quick overview of the Revolution is presented. The people of France were inspired by the America's and decided it was time to finally take a stand. The result was this revolution. In the end, France did improve, at least slightly. The French Revolution was a series of death,terror, and finally reform.
  • Jaques Necker Recalled to Royals

    Jaques Necker Recalled to Royals
    At this time in France, things were beginning to stir. The 3rd Estate and other citizens began to grow irritated with the monarchy. Marie Antoinette was an essential part of the large amount of growing debt and other financial issues. The Royals hired Jaques Necker, who used to work for them, to save the monarchy from financial ruin. Jaques was loved by the 3rd Estate and his recall had given them hope.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
    The Declaration of the Rights of Man was created by the new "National Assembly" in August of 1789. This declaration was meant to contain all of the rights desired by the Revolutionaries. Some of the main articles were that all males were equal before law, all had natural rights (liberty, property, security), and jobs were determined by skill/merit. This pleased the revolutionists for a small amount of time, they then decided more could be done.
  • The March to Versailles

    The March to Versailles
    On October 5, 1789, a legendary march to the living quarters of the monarchs began. A group of burly women, the Fearsome Fish Ladies were on a mission. As they arrived, they were truly angry with Marie Antoinette. The Queen barely escaped to the King's room. The King decided to address the angry mob off of the balcony. They were eventually captured and taken to Paris, alongside pikes with their guard's heads.
  • Napoleon Bonaparte's Rise to Power

    Napoleon Bonaparte's Rise to Power
    Napoleon Bonaparte was a successful army general, and his thought process was loved by the people of France. He became a member, and then eventually the first consul of the new government body, the Consulate. They loved him so much that he became Consul for life soon after advancing to first consul. As he continued to rise, he became an elected emperor. Napoleon replaces the "liberty, equality, fraternity" with "order, security, efficiency" and will soon bring more to the country. 1804-Consulate
  • The BIG Defeat

    The BIG Defeat
    Napoleon was a strategic and successful general. His strategies helped him conquer many areas around France. Once it was time, he focused in on Russia. In 1812, he decided to finally invade Russia with an army of 600,000. Russia tried to outsmart the successful leader, testing the Scorched Earth policy, an idea of burning everything and running. Winter hit hard, and Napoleon had to retreat after being unsuccessful. He returned home with 20,000 troops and became of target of France's citizens.