Sioux chiefs

Whitney Native Americans Arrive in Colorado

  • Jan 1, 1300

    Utes arrive in Colorado

    Utes arrive in Colorado
    Utes arrive in Colorado and push people out. There was a drought in Colorado,but Utes survive. Pueblo Dwellers get pushed out.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1300 to


  • Jan 1, 1400

    Apaches arrive in Colorado

    Apaches arrive in Colorado
    Apaches arrive in Colorado. Apaches are not friends with Utes. They came from Alaska and Canada.They hunted bison on the plains.
  • Horses arrive in Colorado

    Horses arrive in Colorado
    Indians steal horses from Spanish.
  • Diego de Vargas

    Diego de Vargas comes to the san Luis Valley to trade with the Utes
  • Comaches arrive in Colorado

    Comaches arrive in Colorado
    Comanches arrive in Colorado.They are cousins of the Utes. They came from mid-Wyoming.They teamed up with Utes and drove Apaches out. Then turned back on Utes and fought them.
  • Juan de Ulabarri

    Juan de Ulabarri goes to th Arakansas River to find the Pueblo Indians.
  • Peter and Paul

    Peter and Paul Mallet go to Sante Fe, to trade with the Spanish.
  • Kiowas arrive in Colorado

    Kiowas arrive in Colorado
    Kiowas arrive in Colorado.They fought Comanches.They came from Blackhills in South Dakota.
  • Juan Maria de Rivera

    Juan Maria de Rivera goes to the San Juan Mountains to find gold and silver.
  • Silvestre Escalante and Francisco Dominguez

    Silvestre Escalante and Francisco Dominguez try to get to California but stop in Colorado.
  • Team Kiowas Comanches

    Team Kiowas Comanches
    Kiowas and Comanches make peace.
  • Arapahoes and Cheyennes

    Arapahoes and Cheyennes
    Cheyennes and Arapahoes came from Mississippi. Kiowas and Kiowa Apaches, and Camanches got pushed out by Arapahoes and Cheyenne.
  • Hispanic Farmers

    Hispanic Farmers
    THe Hispanic farmers arrive in Colorado.
  • Cheyenne and Arapahoe leave

    Cheyenne and Arapahoe leave
    Cheyenne and Arapahoes leave Colorado.
  • The Sand Creek Massacre

    The Sand Creek Massacre
    The Sand Creek Massacre broke out when Colonel Chivington told his men to go to Fort Lyon and battle. They killed about 100 Indians men children and all.
  • Anglo Americans

    Anglo Americans
    anglo Americans arrive in the San Luis Valley.
  • Utes leave

    Utes leave
    The Utes leave Colorado.