Phase 1 - Background Released
Recap White Queen history with Striberg. State new developments that have lead to her escape and mobilization for a new assault on the city. State Strillin's first move - writing for help and gearing up existing militants. At this time, the GRP is not open. This is preliminary information that is posted by the Storyteller in a locked topic in Striberg. More replies from the Storyteller will come soon. -
Period: to
White Queen GRP Event
Staff Planning Topic<br />This timeline shows the dates of release for each phase and intel report of the White Queen GRP event. -
"Imythess Unites" Intel Reports Released
24-48 hours into the scramble for intel, letters from the nation-states of Imythess make their way back to Strillin and confirm that Imythess will be uniting to defend from foreign invasion. The responses from Imythessian nation-states will be posted all at once due to IC urgency. These will be replies to the Storyteller topic in Striberg. -
"Enemy Units" Intel Report Released
Scouting parties return with full accounts of the enemy's available forces. This info will be released one or two units at a time in the Storyteller topic in Striberg over the course of the first week, before the GRP opens. -
Phase 1 - "The Advance" GRP Opens
The second part of the first phase with all the objectives is finally released and the GRP opens. -
Phase 2 Launch
Phase 3 Launch
Begin Sign Ups for Assassination Topics
Assassination Topics Launch
Storyline Concluded
Post-Event Lore and Extras Released